Mike Billard

About Mike Billard

Mike Billard is 25 years old and has worked here at Schummy Incorporated for 3 years

He loves to play golf and watch movies.

Mike loves working here and is planning on working here for years to come.

Fun Fact: Mike Billard used to work at Mcdonalds for 6 years for minimum wage.

Lilian Howie

About Lillian Howie

Lillian Howie is 22 and she has worked at Schummy Incorporated for 7 months

In her free time she enjoys bowling and she likes to read.

Lillian loves her job so far and wishes she applied sooner.

Fun Fact: Lillian Howie has 19 pets.

Saul Goodie

About Saul Goodie

Saul Goodie is 39 and has worked at Schummy Incorporated for 11 years

In his free time he enjoys watching TV and he likes taco's.

Saul Goodie enjoys his job and it's his favorite job he has had.

Fun Fact: Saul Goodie has 3 different jobs one of them being a lawyer.

Kranon Hannon

About Kranon Hannon

Kranon Hannon is 32 and has worked at Schummy Incorporated for 10 years

In his free time he enjoys playing chess and he likes to watch hockey.

Kranon enjoys his job here and is planning on staying.

Fun Fact: Kranon Hannon really likes folding laundry.